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Advanced results access

The results can be solved for and accessed in several ways.

Running the pyco2.sys function performs some conditioning of the arguments (converts int to float and all iterables to NumPy arrays) before passing these into the constructor for a CO2System object, which is returned. If all arguments are already well-conditioned, then they can be passed directly to PyCO2SYS.CO2System, thus skipping the (minor) extra overhead of pyco2.sys.

As if it were a dict

First is to treat the CO2System as a dict and access with the keys given in Arguments and results.

import PyCO2SYS as pyco2

# Set up the CO2System
co2s = pyco2.sys(alkalinity=2250, dic=2100)

# Solve for and return pH
pH = co2s["pH"]

The initial call to pyco2.sys does not solve for any parameters. The pH value is determined only when it is accessed with co2s["pH"]. Intermediate parameters (e.g., equilibrium constants) computed along the way are also stored in the CO2System at this point, so a subsequent call to calculate e.g. pCO2 will use these (and the now-known pH value) instead of repeating those calculations.

Multiple values at once

We can also return multiple values at once by providing their keys as a list:

# Solve for and return pH and pCO2
results = co2s[["pH", "pCO2"]]

The results are a dict containing the values of pH and pCO2.

Solve without returning

We can solve for a parameter without returning its value using the solve method. This gives more control over how intermediate parameters are handled:

co2s.solve(["pH", "pCO2"], store_steps=1)

The kwarg store_steps allows us to determine which intermediate parameters are stored internally after the calculation is complete. It can be set to:

  • 0: store only the specifically requested parameters.
  • 1: store the most used set of intermediate parameters (default).
  • 2: store the complete set of parameters