Quick-start guide¶
For most users, the only function needed from PyCO2SYS is pyco2.sys
. This uses the following basic syntax:
import PyCO2SYS as pyco2
co2s = pyco2.sys(**kwargs)
result = co2s[result_key]
Results can be calculated and accessed with square brackets, as if co2s
were a dict. (It isn't a dict, it's a CO2System
, which means that it can also do some other things too.)
The full sets of kwargs
that can be provided and results parameters that can be calculated are given in Arguments and results. Advanced results access gives a more detailed overview of how results can be accessed from a CO2System
. A few commonly used examples are also given below.
Solve the marine carbonate system¶
When two marine carbonate system parameters are known, such as total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), we can calculate other parameters such as pH:
# Set up the CO2System
co2s = pyco2.sys(alkalinity=2250, dic=2100, temperature=15, salinity=34)
# Solve for and return the value of pH
pH = co2s["pH"]
# Solve for and return pCO2 and fCO2 at the same time
results = co2s[["pCO2", "fCO2"]]
Each call of pyco2.sys
may include a maximum of two known marine carbonate system parameters.
Calculations without solving the system¶
Some properties (mainly equilibrium constants and total salt contents) can be calculated without solving the marine carbonate system, so pyco2.sys
can be run with no marine carbonate system parameters:
# Set up a CO2System under default conditions
# (temperature 25 °C, salinity 35, hydrostatic pressure 0 dbar
# - other values could be specified with the appropriate kwargs)
co2s = pyco2.sys()
# Get water dissociation constant
k_H2O = co2s["k_H2O"]
Use different parameterisations¶
PyCO2SYS contains many different options for the parameterisations of equilibrium constants and total salt contents. These can be selected using kwargs
beginning with opt_
, for example:
# Set up a CO2System with non-default equilibrium constants for carbonic acid
# and non-default total borate from salinity
co2s = pyco2.sys(opt_k_carbonic=3, opt_total_borate=2)
All settings arguments must be single scalar values.
Convert to different temperatures and/or pressures¶
Discussed in more detail in Adjust conditions.
With two known parameters¶
To convert parameters to different temperatures and/or pressures, use the adjust
method. For example, if we had measured alkalinity and pH in the laboratory at 25 °C, but wanted to calculate the saturation state with respect to aragonite under in situ conditions:
# Set up the initial CO2System
co2s_lab = pyco2.sys(alkalinity=2250, pH=8.1, temperature=25)
# Adjust to in situ conditions (10 °C and 1500 dbar hydrostatic pressure)
co2s_insitu = co2s_lab.adjust(temperature=10, pressure=1500)
saturation_aragonite = co2s_insitu["saturation_aragonite"]
With one known parameter¶
Any of the partial pressure (pCO2
), fugacity (fCO2
), dry-air mole fraction (xCO2
) or aqueous content (CO2
) of CO2 is known can be converted to different temperatures without a second parameter:
# Set up the initial CO2System
co2s_lab = pyco2.sys(pCO2=400, temperature=25)
# Adjust to in situ conditions(10 °C and 1500 dbar hydrostatic pressure)
co2s_insitu = co2s_lab.adjust(temperature=10, pressure=1500)
pCO2_insitu = co2s_insitu["pCO2"]
Propagate uncertainties¶
Discussed in more detail in Uncertainty propagation.
Uncertainty propagation uses the propagate
method. To get the total uncertainty in pH from independent uncertainties in alkalinity and DIC in the example above, use:
# Uncertainties in alkalinity and DIC are both 2 µmol/kg
co2s.propagate("pH", {"alkalinity": 2, "dic": 2})
pH_uncertainty = co2s.uncertainty["pH"]["total"]
The individual components of the total uncertainty can also be found, for example:
pH_uncertainty_from_dic = co2s.uncertainty["pH"]["dic"]
Multidimensional data¶
NumPy arrays¶
All arguments other than settings can be provided as lists or multidimensional numpy arrays. The dimensions of different arguments can be different as long as they can be broadcasted together (which they will be!).
# Define multidimensional arguments
dic = np.array([2000, 2100, 2200])
pCO2 = np.array([400, 450, 485])
# Set up a CO2System
co2s_1D = pyco2.sys(dic=dic, pCO2=pCO2)
alkalinity_1D = co2s_1D["alkalinity"] # this has the shape (3,)
co2s_2D = pyco2.sys(dic=dic, pCO2=np.vstack(pCO2))
alkalinity_2D = co2s_2D["alkalinity"] # this has the shape (3, 3)
Data structures¶
Some common data structures can be provided to PyCO2SYS using the data
kwarg. In this case, the keys of the parameters within the data structure should match the kwargs expected by PyCO2SYS. If they do not, you can provide the key as the corresponding kwarg (analagously to how this works in Matplotlib). See the example in the Dictionaries section below, although this works in the same way for pandas and xarray structures.
If your data are in a dict
, you can provide this as data
# Define known parameters
df = {"dic": [2000, 2100, 2200], "pCO2": [400, 450, 485]}
# Set up a CO2System, including an extra parameter that was not
# in the df (total_silicate), and an optional setting
co2s = pyco2.sys(data=df, total_silicate=1.5, opt_k_carbonic=9)
If some of the dict
keys do not match the kwargs expected by PyCO2SYS, the correct keys can be given as the corresponding kwargs:
# Define known parameters
df = {"dic_calibrated": [2000, 2100, 2200], "pCO2_data": [400, 450, 485]}
# Set up a CO2System
co2s = pyco2.sys(
Pandas DataFrames¶
If your data are in a pandas DataFrame
, you can provide this as data
, and return the results as a pandas Series
or DataFrame
with consistent indexing:
# Define known parameters
df = pd.DataFrame({"dic": [2000, 2100, 2200], "pCO2": [400, 450, 485]})
# Set up a CO2System
co2s = pyco2.sys(data=df, total_silicate=1.5, opt_k_carbonic=9)
# Return a parameter as a Series
pH = co2s.to_pandas("pH")
# Return parameters as a DataFrame
df_results = co2s.to_pandas(["pH", "alkalinity"])
Running to_pandas
with no arguments will return a DataFrame
containing all currently calculated parameters.
Xarray Datasets¶
If your data are in an xarray Dataset
, you can provide this as data
, and return the results as an xarray DataArray
or Dataset
with consistent dimensions:
# Define known parameters
ds = xr.Dataset({
"temperature": ("dim_t", np.arange(0, 35)),
"salinity": ("dim_s", np.arange(30, 40)),
# Set up a CO2System
co2s = pyco2.sys(data=ds)
# Return a parameter as a DataArray
k_CO2 = co2s.to_xarray("k_CO2")
# Return parameters as a Dataset
ds_results = co2s.to_xarray(["k_H2CO3", "k_HCO3"])
Running to_xarray
with no arguments will return a Dataset
containing all currently calculated parameters.